Latterell Lecture: From Morris to Moshi and back to Minnesota
Tuesday, November 7, 2023 7pm
About this Event
600 East 4th Street, Morris, MN 56267
Join us on Tuesday, November 7, in the Science Auditorium for an exciting presentation featuring Sarah Lofgren, MD, titled "From Morris to Moshi and Back to Minnesota." Lofgren will share her fascinating experiences and insights gained from her journeys from Morris to Moshi and back to Minnesota. Her talk will be engaging and informative and will provide valuable insights into the world of medicine. There will be a reception to follow the presentation located in the Science Atrium.
This event is privately funded with gifts from alumni, faculty, staff, and Latterell friends and family. The Joseph J. Latterell Memorial Visiting Alumnus Program provides annual grants to disciplines within the Division of Science and Mathematics to invite alumni to campus to serve as resource persons for students and faculty.
We encourage you to attend this event and to take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn from a distinguished alumna.
If you are unable to attend in person, the presentation will be available via Zoom.
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