About this Event
Removing Barriers and Creating Access - This is a repeat of the 3/26 event being offered virtually.
VIRTUALRegistration link: https://learning.umn.edu/search/publicCourseSectionDetails.do?method=load&courseId=42919752§ionId=45042848&showInternal=true
As part of our UMN Morris mission statement working toward intercultural competency as well as increasing student retention, the Office of Equity, Diversity and Intercultural Programs is pleased to continue the - UMN Morris ECHO workshops - for spring 2024!
The ECHO workshops are in collaboration and with support by the Office of Equity, and Diversity UMN Twin Cities. However, by implementing them locally, we can have a better dialogue on our experiences here at Morris.
For each completed ECHO workshop, you can also earn 250 points towards the University Wellbeing program
Contact: liz thomson, lthomson@morris.umn.edu
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